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The Importance of Removing Sharp Edges and Burrs From Metal

Posted by David Birkhead on

The Importance of Removing Sharp Edges and Burrs From Metal

When dealing with metal, you don’t want to have sharp edges or burrs. This is the importance of removing sharp edges and burrs from metal. Get your metal smoothed out and safe.

What Are Metal Burrs?

When metal is in the manufacturing process, it can have rough or sharp edges or protrusions. These sharp parts are metal burrs. You need to remove metal burrs for the safety of the piece. Otherwise, they can injure people who handle them or damage surrounding objects.

Part Safety

As mentioned, sharp edges or metal burrs on a part can hurt people. They can cut hands and snag skin, so you must remove them. You don’t want to create a metal piece that’s a safety hazard for your workers or consumers.

Part Finishing

Sharp edges and metal burrs can interfere with the finishing process of a component. Processes like powder coating, painting, or electroplating can become imperfect with the presence of metal burrs or sharp edges. Removing sharp edges and metal burrs isn’t just a safety concern; you’ll also have a higher quality finish on your product when you do it.

Part Function

Metal burrs and sharp edges can also pose a risk of making your product ineffective. Burrs can interfere with the mechanics of a part as it moves through the production line or as it’s working in the field. Removing metal burrs and sharp edges is crucial for creating a perfectly functional product.

Removing Sharp Edges and Burrs

Now that you understand the importance of removing sharp edges and burrs from metal, you’ll need to implement a process to smooth edges and deburr your products. The Mr. Deburr tumbler from AccuBrass is the perfect product to remove sharp edges and metal burrs successfully and safely from your products. These high-quality machines come in various sizes and kits to set you up for the most successful and efficient deburring process. Invest in a Mr. Deburr tumbler from AccuBrass today to save yourself from the risks of metal burrs and sharp edges.

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